Saving Money When You Shop
You can save money when you shop if you compare prices at different stores, use coupons, think about whether you really want something, and ask questions.
How do I start saving?
Before you buy something, ask yourself: Have I:
- looked for coupons?
- checked the price at more than one store?
- asked about when it might go on sale, or thought about waiting for a sale?
- thought about what else I might spend my money on if I do not buy it?
When I find a good deal, should I buy the product?
Maybe you should buy it. Maybe not. Before you buy, think about whether this is the right deal for you. Ask yourself:
- Am I buying this just because it is on sale?
- Do I really want or need this thing?
- Can I afford this product, even on sale?
- Do I want to buy it, even if it adds to my credit card debt?