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December 22, 2022

The Story of the Christmas Tree Topper

The family Christmas tree just isn’t complete without a beautiful topper. But your topper isn’t only a decoration. It’s a Christmas symbol linking your tree all the way back to the story of Christ’s birth.


In fact, Baby Jesus used to be the tree topper! However, he eventually left the top of the tree and other Christian symbols took his place…


The Star of Bethlehem 

That bright star you place on top of your tree represents the Star of Bethlehem. It’s a five-pointed star announcing Christ’s birth in Matthew’s Gospel. This star also guided the shepherds and the three wise men to find Christ in the manger.

Now, the star (in tree topper form) continues drawing the eye upward and points to Christmas’ true meaning.


The Angel

The angel topper is a little more complex than the star since it could represent different parts of the Christmas story. Your angel could be the Angel Gabriel, who told Mary she would give birth to Christ. Or it could be the angel who announced Christ’s birth to the shepherds.

Either way, your angel topper announces the reason for the season to everyone who enters your home!


A Joyful Reminder

Look at the top of your tree whenever you feel stressed this Christmas season. Whether you see a star or an angel, you’ll get a joyful reminder of Christ’s birth and all the blessings that came from it.


Merry Christmas!

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