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February 17, 2022

Keeping Your Family Financially healthy

New-ish year, new you! And that means finances too. Don’t let all your family’s health aspirations be spent in the gym. Here are five ways to stay financially healthy as a family.


1.     Know what your money is doing on a regular basis. This means sitting down with your spouse or significant other on a regular basis and looking at what money is coming in and where it all goes. If there are expenses you can reduce or cut, do it. Also, if your kids are old enough, this is a great way to bring them into financially healthy practices.


2.     Explore all options regarding childcare and the associated expenses. For young families, this is one of the highest monthly costs they have. But there are ways to reduce them. Look for nanny share, babysitting co-ops or subsidized child care. Consider whether or not the cost of childcare outweighs the benefits of two incomes.


3.     Don’t use your credit card as an extension of your income. There is no doubt credit cards provide a level of flexibility, but if you don’t have a long-term plan to pay for certain things, it is worth tapping the brakes a little and asking if you really need it.


4.     As a family, encourage each other to not to compare yourselves to the families around you. The stress-free life of financial health is worth saying no to some of the things other families say yes to.


5.     Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. You wouldn’t hesitate asking a trainer to help you get strong or a nutritionist to help you eat healthier. Don’t hesitate to ask a financial expert how to get financially healthy. You can talk to any of our team members at a branch or use our online resources on our website.

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