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Budget friendly work and play

Budget Friendly Work and Play

As a young adult, I tend to keep myself very busy. From maintaining multiple jobs to attending school full-time, I often do not carve time out for additional activities in my day-to-day schedule. At the jump of adulthood, I see the importance of instilling the values of “work” and “play” into my routine. In this instance, my definition of “play” ranges from activities that are enjoyable to me to tasks that I often overlook and need to do more often to achieve my best self.

Though it can be tempting to constantly work as much as possible, it is entirely necessary to listen to what your body needs and take breaks when necessary. Without rests like these, our body begins to run down, and we cannot work to our fullest potential. Below is a list of budget-friendly activities that could make a much needed break from work that much more enjoyable.

At-Home Yoga

Paying for in-person yoga classes can cost a lot of money. Thankfully, we live in the 21st century and have all sorts of online platforms available for our use. Beginners yoga videos can be found online and can help you achieve your best, most successful, Zen self!

Deep Clean Your Work and Living Spaces

Now I know what you are thinking, “how can cleaning possibly be the best thing to do when I have a break from work?” Well, it is hard to get anything done when you’re living in messy quarters. By deep cleaning, you can provide yourself with a fresh start, physically and mentally, and your transition back into work will be much more comfortable when your break is over.

Go, Enjoy Nature!

Sometimes, all we need is a breath of fresh air and to get our bodies moving. Going to the park for a stroll or finding a scenic trail to ride bikes can be therapeutic and fun! Even if this is out of your comfort zone, consider giving it a shot. Start small with a park picnic, and you can work your way up to trail rides!

For more ideas on how to manage stress and best enjoy your free time, follow along with us here at Kelly Community.

Brylee Bergbower is a student at the University of Texas at Tyler studying Kinesiology who is taking on the world, learning about financial matters, and writing about it for Kelly Community. In her spare time Brylee juggles two part-time jobs, spends time with family and friends, stays fit, and studies!


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