Saving Money During the Holidays!

When the holiday season starts to peek around the corner, we tend to dig a little deeper into our pockets. Can you blame us? Holiday festivities are so easy to invest not only our time into but our money as well!

Though the season comes and goes in the blink of an eye, the financial dent in one’s savings due to Holiday spending can be recognized year-round! Thinking ahead and acknowledging money-saving techniques that fit your lifestyle can be a complete game changer! Ringing in the new year will never feel better than it does with a solid financial foundation!

First, be prepared for Christmas expenses from the start! It is necessary to recognize that saving for Christmas time should not begin in the later portion of the year. Christmas is conveniently located at the very end of our calendars. This great placement encourages a year-round savings plan to save up for this festive, expensive event! Christmas savings should start promptly in January every year, carrying over any leftover funds from the previous year. Saving a set portion of your monthly income is smart. Those twelve months will fly by fast! So, think ahead of the game!

Next, develop monetary restrictions and plans for gift-giving early! One helpful method to utilize is to create an in-depth chart at the beginning of the Holiday season. This chart should document whom you need to buy presents for, what you plan to give them, and the spending limit for every individual. Doing this will force you and your bank account to be prepared for all gift-giving scenarios that may come your way!

As always, be sure to set personal spending limits! It is easy to get caught up in personal indulgence during the holiday season. Therefore, when making your grocery list, only include the necessary items!

One method proven to aid in saving money is utilizing online grocery pick-up! Taking the in-person aspect out of grocery shopping helps us to not add unnecessary items to our cart that we would not know a difference in our lives without! Sticking to a strict list or setting up a grocery pick-up can be a great way to consciously choose to save money this Holiday season!

Lastly, always be on the lookout for Holiday deals and sales! Companies are always looking to draw consumers in based on their wants and needs. Just because we may be confident in wanting or needing an item does not mean we should jump to purchase it as soon as possible! Sit on the thought of buying the said item, ponder if it is worth the investment, and keep a close eye out for money-saving deals!

At the end of the day, there are many more ways to help yourself save money. All it takes to be successful is a strong will to remain on a financially solid foundation and realistic expectations. Be sure to consider the benefits of joining Kelly Community and opening a savings and checking account with us! Our service and desire to help could be your key to a successful Holiday Season!

Brylee Bergbower is a student at the University of Texas at Tyler studying Kinesiology who is taking on the world, learning about financial matters, and writing about it for Kelly Community. In her spare time Brylee juggles two part-time jobs, spends time with family and friends, stays fit, and studies!


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