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Surviving College

As we age, it’s human nature to become wiser and more mature. However, without experience in the real world, finding the path we are meant to be on is often challenging. This is why the first few years of adulthood are, in my opinion, the most critical time for learning our purpose. Graduating high school is the first step in this process, sometimes followed by college or trade school, and it continues in a never-ending cycle of personal growth.

Though this topic can be applied to all different aspects of life, I want to dial into one of the most stressful topics: surviving college. As young adults blooming into society, we often know very little about where we want to end up. But, with the right financial strategy and hard work, financial success is rooted in the college experience.

Here are a few different ways that college students can set themselves up for a successful future:

Get involved
Colleges are built around the community that creates them! So, get involved, and be sure to get your name out there.

Study hard
Of course, grades are not everything, but being committed to school work creates the habit of working towards whatever life goals you set your mind to.

Stay positive
Sadly, your college years will not last forever. In order to set yourself up for success, do your best to tackle every obstacle with a “can do” attitude! No path is set in stone, so do everything to the best of your ability and go where you feel led.

Think financially
Though not everything in life traces back to money, it is an important topic to be well versed in. Stay up to date on financial trends and do your best to plan your finances accordingly.


By being committed and consistently working towards goals, college students can use this primitive time in their lives to set their future up for success.

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